Monday, March 29, 2010

Changes Between 2nd and 3rd Milestone


- Added a spam module to reduce the amount of automatic spamming and other Spamming in Uploads, Forums, and other user posting areas.

- Added tutorial links for iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, digital videos, camera tutorials, and a tutorial on video equipment.

- Added a way to relate/tag a score sheet when uploading a video and/or tag a video when uploading a score sheet on the upload forms.

- Specified on video upload to keep the videos under 10 minutes each as specified by Youtube.

- Installed captcha and recaptcha to help prevent non-human users from contributing content to the website in addition spam.

- Updated postcard, business card, and poster to account for bleeding and format issues as well as updating a possible capstone date on poster.

- Wrote up a statement of request for users to upload teaching content.

- Posted to all known music folders on first class as well as emailing the head of the music department and had her forward to all music professors.

- Added more requests to the pool, NMDnet, and my personal blog for this class

- Personally met with old high school teacher and she agreed to make videos for me and distribute promotional items to her students upon my confirmation of content being added to the site.

- Pep band professor liked the concept of my website and wanted to meet with me about it….has not had time to set anything up with me yet.

- Added BETA to the title/slogan area in order to let those know that this site is under testing.

- Added a description field for the image upload as well as in the score sheet link

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Help Request

I am working on building a website for my senior capstone and I need your help. PLEASE READ.
It is a free website that offers young musicians and professionals to have a place to post their original/non-copyrighted scores of music through educational/instructional videos as well as written score sheets. This site is geared towards having users teaching and helping users learn all things related to the musical instrument. The goal of this site is to have you, the user, provide the content. It is important users on this site come to the aid others, give a sense of a supportive community, so they can learn the art and joy of music. Anyone is allowed to view the videos, score sheets, and add comments. However, you must have a user account in order to upload content.
I am looking for users, who right now, have prior knowledge of music and are able to contribute these instrument educational videos.These videos do not have to be long. Keep the videos to less then 10 minutes. I would like my users to teach how to play an instrument that they feel they are strongest in. You can demonstrate the instrument of your choosing. It can cover the basics of playing that instrument, or it can be more challenging lessons for those users who want to push their talents further. As long as it is relevant to the instrument. You could even show them how to read the music for that instrument, how to keep time, or even how to write music for that instrument. As you can see, the possibilities of what to show users is endless. Also if you don't have a lot of time just adding 1 video would be extremely helpful and then you can contribute at your own pace. If you need more information I would be happy to help.

Musicians Unite