Sunday, February 21, 2010

Things accomplished since Milestone 1 & Future Plans

- Did extensive research and debugging on video processing problem over the course of 3 weeks with the help of Sam Hunting (can back up statement)

- Have video capable of both upload to YouTube as well as showing up on website finally

- Created a new website slogan

- Created a viewable menu for each type of content where the user can sort the video or score sheet by post date, title, or user. This allows them to browse just the video or just the score sheets without having to search and know what you are looking for.

- Created a general page where it describes to the user the basic way you can create a video.

- Changed the 2 upload link titles to match the primary links

- Moved the search and forums out of the user navigation to the primary link bar and made both available to anonymous users.

- Did a partial alpha test by getting classmates to create an account and fill out what they wanted on their profile as well as test the image upload. Could not get an accurate video upload test, as it was not working at the time.

- Increased the upload limit from 8mb to 256mb. Can increase up to 2GB if necessary.

- Created a concise business card to place and give to people randomly as well as strategically.

- Created a promotional post card. Plan to place in music business’ with a free sign on them

- Edited last question on survey, have not put on website yet but plan on adding it as a link on website.

- Plan on getting those students with music experience to create videos in a week and a half and upload them to my site.

- Plan on getting in touch with music department and getting professors to create videos as well as well as account and help give me feed back.

- Over break plan on getting in touch with old high school/middle school and see who would be interested in participating there

- Ghant Chart

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Progress over Christmas Break & Before First Milestone Review


- Got rid of style box around content area

- Took a while to properly adjust the positioning of my website to prevent content and text cut off on the edges on smaller laptop/desktop screens

- Adjusted color scheme from green and blue to 3 different shades of blue and some grey bluish-gray text

- Moved dark blue bar to just be underneath the navigation and the primary links. Logo now has content color background helping to open up the closed in content feeling

- Got site live and not just locally on computer

- Added a site description for those who are new to the site on the homepage

- Created navigation bar for a user friendly interface

o Forum

o Image Upload

o My account

o Video Upload

o Search (moved from right sidebar, advanced search feature added, can search for content or by user) (fully functional)

o Logout

- Added a logout option for user

- Created forum link for users to freely and easily communicate with each other (fully functional)

o 5 forum subjects created

§ General Discussion

§ Instrument Lesson Search

§ Looking for lessons in person, in my area

§ Need to learn how to read music

§ Need to learn how to write/arrange music

- Got rid of recent comments option since users can see comments on individual items as they browse

- Added archive viewing ability to see what was uploaded in past months

- Got both image and video upload forms finally show up for users on the website

- Image upload form uploads to the site properly

- Content promotes to the front page

- Created a youtube channel for Musicians Unite

- Got videos to upload to youtube on the UniteMusicians channel

- Worked on trying to get those uploaded youtube videos to appear on my website

- Discovered a Glossary feature in the views module that has the potential to organize the videos by the first letter in the title of the video, don’t have working yet.

- Created link called tracker: if a user clicks on another users profile, they can see the content that user has contributed to the site

- Added additional information fields that users can have to share information about themselves with other users (Experience level, real name, gender, contact number)

- Posted bug and help requests on multiple forums to get help on the video processing problem

- Worked on promotion ideas…See other blog: