Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Opening and Closing Statements

These are my opening and closing statements for my presentation for my capstone.

Musicians Unite is a website where users are in control of the content for all things original and educational in music.

That is my progress so far with this site and I hope you look forward to what is to come next.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Computer-free Capstone

The core of my capstone is to provide those with little financial means to be able to find free or cheap ways of learning how to play an instrument, learn how to read/write music, and get exposure as a band/song writer. Everything will be customer driven except initially when the project is starting out as a way to entice business and interest.
I would try to find a small room where I could start a place where people could go who were looking for what I stated above. I would start with getting music education majors to help provide lessons for people at this location. They could take this lesson elsewhere but this would be the place to go to get connected with someone who could give those lessons for free or for cheap. It would be perfect since college kids would not charge too much and yet any income is welcome. Bands trying to make a name for themselves could perform at this location that people come to for lessons and they would hear this band playing. In this particular idea, since I have Photoshop skills and Illustrator skills, I could also offer to create posters for people to help advertise for their bands.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Musicians Unite Demo

Monday, September 21, 2009

Updated Ghant Chart and Bibliography From Research

A free website that offers young musicians and professionals alike, to have a place to advertise their scores of music, educational videos, as well as just music videos of demonstrations of their written scores.

With the economy still in a recession and many families cutting back on expenses, children don't have the funds they need to pursue their musical interests and skills. Adults looking to make a name for themselves as a musician, song writer, or music teacher have a way to get themselves out there in a no cost environment. If they so choose at a later time to charge fees for their services and videos, they may do so by adding contact information where you can arrange private sessions, methods of payments, etc via the contact information in the user profile.

Granted there are already a few similar sites out there, but as far as i've seen, none of them are free to users or are primarily user driven. They have the ability to upload any instrument related music they want. If they do not see a category for the instrument they desire, the user simply emails the website coordinator and that will be changed as soon as possible. It is a lot more helpful because you can just click on the desired instrument or search for a specific user that is known for doing a good job. Schools that are cutting back music programs are some of the places that would need a site like this the most.


Title: Music Lessons Enhance IQ

Link: Musiciq

Description: It relates to my capstone because it is a research report that proves that IQ benefits do come from music lessons

Title: Nintendo Bringing Wii Music to Schools

Link: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/88636-Nintendo-Bringing-Wii-Music-to-Schools

Description: This link relates to my capstone in-directly. My site is focused on music lessons and a site that teaches music lessons is no good if kids are not interested in music in the first place.

Title: Music-Related Hearing Loss

Link: http://www.uncg.edu/mus/mri/hearing.html

Description: This site is very important the my site in the sense that if you are indeed a person on this site looking for lessons and not to make a name for themselves, then you are new at everything. Controlling the decibels you play at is also important in learning music.

Title: Music Theory

Link: http://www.musictheory.net/

Description: This site gives you lessons in how to actually read music, basic scales clefs, note durations, general trainers, and chord and staff generators for you. It is a controlled site that has the most basic fundamentals of music there is to learn.

Title: Music Lessons

Link: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/01/music-lessons.html

Description: This is related to my site because you come to my site to learn music and/or try to get your work out there to make a name for yourself in the business. This blog lets people know about what it is like, what to expect, and how to survive in the music business.

Title: Taylor Robinson Music

Link: http://www.taylorrobinsonmusic.com/

Description: This site is similar in that it offers lessons, but in different things and more limited instrument range from pro musicians.

Title: Musika

Link: http://www.musikalessons.com/

Description: This site is similar to mine in that it offers a variety of instrument lessons, but it costs you money and is run by teachers who are constrained by the system in which they were taught how to teach like the government thinks they should whereas my site has the people providing the content with just as much if not more to offer.

Title: Berklee Shares

Link: http://www.berkleeshares.com/

Description: This site is similar in the fact that it offers a few free music lesson, however, you still must enroll. This site is run by a large corporation which my site is trying to avoid to stick with the new media theme of bringing things back to the community.

Title: Music Lessons: Find a Private Teacher

Link: http://www.privatelessons.com/

Description: This site is relevant to mine because it is a place where you can go to find the music lessons you are looking for, however, this one is focused on finding you a music teacher that you need for your specific needs.

Title: USA Music Lesson Teachers

Link: http://www.musiclessonteachers.com/

Description: This site is also similar to mine in the fact that it allows you to look for music lessons. This website is focusing on a massive search for certified teachers for the entire USA and business's and schools of music.

A no cost website, except for the users discretion, will allow those with no way to learn or get there stuff out there in their budget. Anything that is not copyrighted will be allowed on this site. You can upload, select the instrument you wanna view videos or scores for, comment on others videos, I propose getting people on board by having a free sign up sight that allows you to get yourself out there without cost to you, to help others who can not afford a music education or private lessons, and an easy way to teach someone without having to leave your home. I expect that in it's beta version it won't be a smash hit, however, it will increasingly improve as suggestions are made and the site is upgraded.

I expect a full concept to be developed by the end of September as well as all my features of my site to be thought out. During that time, I will also be working on the coding on the features I know will be part of the website. I expect an alpha version to be up by the beginning of November and a beta version to be up by the time December hits. While the alpha and beta version are being worked on, I will also work on promoting the project.

If I run into coding snags, I plan on getting myself some coding advice to get my project realized. I will work with classmates critiques to further my project to it's full potential. I expect users during my testing of my website to be part of the collaboration in the manner of features and things they might like to have on a site such as this.


I plan on posting the link to my website on all my public pages on the internet. I will create lots of posters to post up all over the place. I also will give the website along with a description of what it is to middle and high-schools in the Bangor area and give it to the music departments.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Budget, Ghant Chart and proposal update

A free website that offers young musicians and professionals alike, to have a place to advertise their scores of music, educational videos, as well as just music videos of demonstrations of their written scores.

With the economy still in a recession and many families cutting back on expenses, children don't have the funds they need to pursue their musical interests and skills. Adults looking to make a name for themselves as a musician, song writer, or music teacher have a way to get themselves out there in a no cost environment. If they so choose at a later time to charge fees for their services and videos, they may do so by adding contact information where you can arrange private sessions, methods of payments, etc via the contact information in the user profile.

Granted there are already a few similar sites out there, but as far as i've seen, none of them are free to users or are primarily user driven. They have the ability to upload any instrument related music they want. If they do not see a category for the instrument they desire, the user simply emails the website coordinator and that will be changed as soon as possible. It is a lot more helpful because you can just click on the desired instrument or search for a specific user that is known for doing a good job. Schools that are cutting back music programs are some of the places that would need a site like this the most.

A no cost website, except for the users discretion, will allow those with no way to learn or get there stuff out there in their budget. Anything that is not copyrighted will be allowed on this site. You can upload, select the instrument you wanna view videos or scores for, comment on others videos, I propose getting people on board by having a free sign up sight that allows you to get yourself out there without cost to you, to help others who can not afford a music education or private lessons, and an easy way to teach someone without having to leave your home. I expect that in it's beta version it won't be a smash hit, however, it will increasingly improve as suggestions are made and the site is upgraded.

I expect a full concept to be developed by the end of September as well as all my features of my site to be thought out. During that time, I will also be working on the coding on the features I know will be part of the website. I expect an alpha version to be up by the beginning of November and a beta version to be up by the time December hits. While the alpha and beta version are being worked on, I will also work on promoting the project.

If I run into coding snags, I plan on getting myself some coding advice to get my project realized. I will work with classmates critiques to further my project to it's full potential. I expect users during my testing of my website to be part of the collaboration in the manner of features and things they might like to have on a site such as this.


I plan on posting the link to my website on all my public pages on the internet. I will create lots of posters to post up all over the place. I also will give the website along with a description of what it is to middle and high-schools in the Bangor area and give it to the music departments.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Text-based New Media Proposal

A free website that offers young musicians and professionals alike, to have a place to advertise their scores of music, educational videos, as well as just music videos of demonstrations of their written scores.

With the economy still in a recession and many families cutting back on expenses, children don't have the funds they need to pursue their musical interests and skills. Adults looking to make a name for themselves as a musician, song writer, or music teacher have a way to get themselves out there in a no cost environment. If they so choose at a later time to charge fees for their services and videos, they may do so by adding contact information where you can arrange private sessions, methods of payments, etc via the contact information in the user profile.

Granted there are already a few similar sites out there, but as far as i've seen, none of them are free to users or are primarily user driven. They have the ability to upload any instrument related music they want. If they do not see a category for the instrument they desire, the user simply emails the website coordinator and that will be changed as soon as possible. It is a lot more helpful because you can just click on the desired instrument or search for a specific user that is known for doing a good job. Schools that are cutting back music programs are some of the places that would need a site like this the most.

A no cost website, except for the users discretion, will allow those with no way to learn or get there stuff out there in their budget. Anything that is not copyrighted will be allowed on this site. You can upload, select the instrument you wanna view videos or scores for, comment on others videos, I propose getting people on board by having a free sign up sight that allows you to get yourself out there without cost to you, to help others who can not afford a music education or private lessons, and an easy way to teach someone without having to leave your home. I expect that in it's beta version it won't be a smash hit, however, it will increasingly improve as suggestions are made and the site is upgraded.

I expect a full concept to be developed by the end of September as well as all my features of my site to be thought out. During that time, I will also be working on the coding on the features I know will be part of the website. I expect an alpha version to be up by the beginning of November and a beta version to be up by the time December hits. While the alpha and beta version are being worked on, I will also work on promoting the project.

Definitely not fully ironed out in time spent. Will be when Ghant chart is created.
Concept and Research: 2 weeks
Advertising and Concept: 2 and a half weeks
Programming: 1 month and a half

If I run into coding snags, I plan on getting myself some coding advice to get my project realized. I will work with classmates critiques to further my project to it's full potential. I expect users during my testing of my website to be part of the collaboration in the manner of features and things they might like to have on a site such as this.

PHP class $900
Programmer $20/hour for 26 hours = $480
Advertising $80
Web Hosting Provided by the university of maine
Database connection Provided by the university of maine
Total $1,460

I plan on posting the link to my website on all my public pages on the internet. I will create lots of posters to post up all over the place. I also will give the website along with a description of what it is to middle and high-schools in the Bangor area and give it to the music departments.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prototype and Feature List

I currently have one php feature working on my website and therefore still considering this a early prototype. The working prototype is on the following link Musicians Unite.

The following is a rough list of what I believe are the main features that I would like to have if I could and it will be modified as needed as the project continues:

For my webiste I will need code that allows me to have a:

-user log in

-user log out.

-page to edit users profile

-a page to view a users profile

-code to leave the option for users to comment on a particular video

-pages to views videos by instrument

-code to upload videos

-code to upload sheet music

-code to automatically add page numbers to as people add videos and sheet music

- a way to remove users and/or videos that violate copyright issues

-eventually maybe i would have some way to rate each video as well, the user page would have contact information if they wanted to charge for their services

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer Progress

Initial Proposal

I want to have a website where people can go to contribute and find video tutorials on how to play an instrument and score sheets.

My project requires a computer/internet, code, videos, and score sheets. I’m still acquiring video tutorials and the necessary PHP knowledge. I need to do plenty of research on what’s already available out there and find videos and score sheets to put up as starter material on the website. Still need more PHP knowledge to make this a reality. I might require PHP assistance..

New Media is all about collaboration and the bottom-up methods which is the goal of my site to have the users contribute the majority of the content. It is very similar to sites that already have sites that provide instrument lessons and score sheets, but it doesn’t seem that the users provide any content.

I plan on sending out the link to popular sites, places, and so on that would use something like this. I will do most of the coding myself, but I might require PHP assistance. There will be a comments page on the site for feedback. I plan on testing it with musicians who know or don’t know on how to play well on campus, and I plan to get in touch with the local school band directors to get their take as well as their students.

Faculty Feedback

This again is a proposal that requires considerable input from non-stakeholders. How does Kristen propose to get these people on board? Will they have the NMD and teaching skills to produce video tutorials on such complex subjects? Where will she find them and what help shall she provide?

Kristen, did you do extensive research of what is out there? Perhaps the only thing from other sites like this one is that it might be free. There are several (well more then that, but quality is a question) sites already doing this. What makes this unique? Why is another needed? How is it more helpful? Why is it necessary? A theme seems to be running though these as to why are these capstone ideas not being vetted in terms of things already done? Also Bill's comment of wide buy-in from professionals is required and some may not want to play for free...

Faculty conclusion

Conceptual Hold

It will help your case if you can demonstrate a working knowledge of PHP by the end of the summer.

Technical Hold

Why wouldn't a prospective trumpet player just do a YouTube search? What does your project offer that's significantly better? We suggest you consider collaborating with another student working on an interactive training project (Max, Kristen I, Kristy).


A person can add several tutorials to get people's interest in their lessons and then leave contact info if they want the rest of the person’s lessons and the guy can get paid for their services. The method of payment would not be conducted through this website that would be up to the user and the tutorials. or if they want to do it out of the kindness of their heart, they can add all of their tutorials. Unless I am not using the appropriate key search terms I have seen no website that offers this for free and has a user driven site with a variety of instruments.

This is unique in the sense that it is free and it is up to the discretion of the user how much if not all of their work is free for users. There are many out there but a lot of them either you have to pay to be a member or pay for the individual lesson, or only focus on one type of instrument. Professionals will be able to leave samples of their work on this site to peak interest and they can provide a link to their site or contact information so that they may still do things the way they see fit. Another is needed to provide that variety of instruments that is free to users yet this sight allows those that post to charge if they want to. It is a lot more helpful because you can just click on the desired instrument or search for a specific user that is known for doing a good job. You can argue that this has been done before, but I feel this site provides more freedom and flexibility to all users and is a navigation friendly site.

You don't need nmd skills to turn on a video recorder, connect to the comp, and upload a video. They are doing new media like things just by participating in this websites innovation. This would be a place where people who have the ability to write sheet music and what not and are trying to get themselves out there that would be for using this site, such as college students. I could provide a contact email if the profile user is having a hard time with something, i could either personally help them or recommend sites for them to turn to. People who have prior knowledge of how to write sheet music and can demonstrate in video how to play and stuff like that. This is intended to be for amateurs and professionals a-like. Users who go on this site to learn do not need any skill, they just pick up from the ones who do submit.

YouTube is a massive website full of hundreds of thousands of videos and more often then not you have to use the right search terms just to find what you are looking for. This site would only contain the musical aspect that you are looking for and no searching is required essentially. Just using the main navigation bar would get you where you need. The only searching that would be needed is if a user wanted to find a specific user to get all their videos.

I propose getting people on board by having a free sign up sight that allows you to get yourself out there without cost to you, to help others who can not afford a music education or private lessons, and an easy way to teach someone without having to leave your home.

Granted, my research for this project is not overly extensive, but I am modifying my concept as more research is being done. With a more thought out concept, this sight will stand out from the rest.

Over the summer

I took a 3 week PHP class to learn the necessary coding skills to make my project a reality. I got some coding started on my project, but there is no functionality yet. Here is my website.