Monday, September 21, 2009

Updated Ghant Chart and Bibliography From Research

A free website that offers young musicians and professionals alike, to have a place to advertise their scores of music, educational videos, as well as just music videos of demonstrations of their written scores.

With the economy still in a recession and many families cutting back on expenses, children don't have the funds they need to pursue their musical interests and skills. Adults looking to make a name for themselves as a musician, song writer, or music teacher have a way to get themselves out there in a no cost environment. If they so choose at a later time to charge fees for their services and videos, they may do so by adding contact information where you can arrange private sessions, methods of payments, etc via the contact information in the user profile.

Granted there are already a few similar sites out there, but as far as i've seen, none of them are free to users or are primarily user driven. They have the ability to upload any instrument related music they want. If they do not see a category for the instrument they desire, the user simply emails the website coordinator and that will be changed as soon as possible. It is a lot more helpful because you can just click on the desired instrument or search for a specific user that is known for doing a good job. Schools that are cutting back music programs are some of the places that would need a site like this the most.


Title: Music Lessons Enhance IQ

Link: Musiciq

Description: It relates to my capstone because it is a research report that proves that IQ benefits do come from music lessons

Title: Nintendo Bringing Wii Music to Schools


Description: This link relates to my capstone in-directly. My site is focused on music lessons and a site that teaches music lessons is no good if kids are not interested in music in the first place.

Title: Music-Related Hearing Loss


Description: This site is very important the my site in the sense that if you are indeed a person on this site looking for lessons and not to make a name for themselves, then you are new at everything. Controlling the decibels you play at is also important in learning music.

Title: Music Theory


Description: This site gives you lessons in how to actually read music, basic scales clefs, note durations, general trainers, and chord and staff generators for you. It is a controlled site that has the most basic fundamentals of music there is to learn.

Title: Music Lessons


Description: This is related to my site because you come to my site to learn music and/or try to get your work out there to make a name for yourself in the business. This blog lets people know about what it is like, what to expect, and how to survive in the music business.

Title: Taylor Robinson Music


Description: This site is similar in that it offers lessons, but in different things and more limited instrument range from pro musicians.

Title: Musika


Description: This site is similar to mine in that it offers a variety of instrument lessons, but it costs you money and is run by teachers who are constrained by the system in which they were taught how to teach like the government thinks they should whereas my site has the people providing the content with just as much if not more to offer.

Title: Berklee Shares


Description: This site is similar in the fact that it offers a few free music lesson, however, you still must enroll. This site is run by a large corporation which my site is trying to avoid to stick with the new media theme of bringing things back to the community.

Title: Music Lessons: Find a Private Teacher


Description: This site is relevant to mine because it is a place where you can go to find the music lessons you are looking for, however, this one is focused on finding you a music teacher that you need for your specific needs.

Title: USA Music Lesson Teachers


Description: This site is also similar to mine in the fact that it allows you to look for music lessons. This website is focusing on a massive search for certified teachers for the entire USA and business's and schools of music.

A no cost website, except for the users discretion, will allow those with no way to learn or get there stuff out there in their budget. Anything that is not copyrighted will be allowed on this site. You can upload, select the instrument you wanna view videos or scores for, comment on others videos, I propose getting people on board by having a free sign up sight that allows you to get yourself out there without cost to you, to help others who can not afford a music education or private lessons, and an easy way to teach someone without having to leave your home. I expect that in it's beta version it won't be a smash hit, however, it will increasingly improve as suggestions are made and the site is upgraded.

I expect a full concept to be developed by the end of September as well as all my features of my site to be thought out. During that time, I will also be working on the coding on the features I know will be part of the website. I expect an alpha version to be up by the beginning of November and a beta version to be up by the time December hits. While the alpha and beta version are being worked on, I will also work on promoting the project.

If I run into coding snags, I plan on getting myself some coding advice to get my project realized. I will work with classmates critiques to further my project to it's full potential. I expect users during my testing of my website to be part of the collaboration in the manner of features and things they might like to have on a site such as this.


I plan on posting the link to my website on all my public pages on the internet. I will create lots of posters to post up all over the place. I also will give the website along with a description of what it is to middle and high-schools in the Bangor area and give it to the music departments.

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