Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer Progress

Initial Proposal

I want to have a website where people can go to contribute and find video tutorials on how to play an instrument and score sheets.

My project requires a computer/internet, code, videos, and score sheets. I’m still acquiring video tutorials and the necessary PHP knowledge. I need to do plenty of research on what’s already available out there and find videos and score sheets to put up as starter material on the website. Still need more PHP knowledge to make this a reality. I might require PHP assistance..

New Media is all about collaboration and the bottom-up methods which is the goal of my site to have the users contribute the majority of the content. It is very similar to sites that already have sites that provide instrument lessons and score sheets, but it doesn’t seem that the users provide any content.

I plan on sending out the link to popular sites, places, and so on that would use something like this. I will do most of the coding myself, but I might require PHP assistance. There will be a comments page on the site for feedback. I plan on testing it with musicians who know or don’t know on how to play well on campus, and I plan to get in touch with the local school band directors to get their take as well as their students.

Faculty Feedback

This again is a proposal that requires considerable input from non-stakeholders. How does Kristen propose to get these people on board? Will they have the NMD and teaching skills to produce video tutorials on such complex subjects? Where will she find them and what help shall she provide?

Kristen, did you do extensive research of what is out there? Perhaps the only thing from other sites like this one is that it might be free. There are several (well more then that, but quality is a question) sites already doing this. What makes this unique? Why is another needed? How is it more helpful? Why is it necessary? A theme seems to be running though these as to why are these capstone ideas not being vetted in terms of things already done? Also Bill's comment of wide buy-in from professionals is required and some may not want to play for free...

Faculty conclusion

Conceptual Hold

It will help your case if you can demonstrate a working knowledge of PHP by the end of the summer.

Technical Hold

Why wouldn't a prospective trumpet player just do a YouTube search? What does your project offer that's significantly better? We suggest you consider collaborating with another student working on an interactive training project (Max, Kristen I, Kristy).


A person can add several tutorials to get people's interest in their lessons and then leave contact info if they want the rest of the person’s lessons and the guy can get paid for their services. The method of payment would not be conducted through this website that would be up to the user and the tutorials. or if they want to do it out of the kindness of their heart, they can add all of their tutorials. Unless I am not using the appropriate key search terms I have seen no website that offers this for free and has a user driven site with a variety of instruments.

This is unique in the sense that it is free and it is up to the discretion of the user how much if not all of their work is free for users. There are many out there but a lot of them either you have to pay to be a member or pay for the individual lesson, or only focus on one type of instrument. Professionals will be able to leave samples of their work on this site to peak interest and they can provide a link to their site or contact information so that they may still do things the way they see fit. Another is needed to provide that variety of instruments that is free to users yet this sight allows those that post to charge if they want to. It is a lot more helpful because you can just click on the desired instrument or search for a specific user that is known for doing a good job. You can argue that this has been done before, but I feel this site provides more freedom and flexibility to all users and is a navigation friendly site.

You don't need nmd skills to turn on a video recorder, connect to the comp, and upload a video. They are doing new media like things just by participating in this websites innovation. This would be a place where people who have the ability to write sheet music and what not and are trying to get themselves out there that would be for using this site, such as college students. I could provide a contact email if the profile user is having a hard time with something, i could either personally help them or recommend sites for them to turn to. People who have prior knowledge of how to write sheet music and can demonstrate in video how to play and stuff like that. This is intended to be for amateurs and professionals a-like. Users who go on this site to learn do not need any skill, they just pick up from the ones who do submit.

YouTube is a massive website full of hundreds of thousands of videos and more often then not you have to use the right search terms just to find what you are looking for. This site would only contain the musical aspect that you are looking for and no searching is required essentially. Just using the main navigation bar would get you where you need. The only searching that would be needed is if a user wanted to find a specific user to get all their videos.

I propose getting people on board by having a free sign up sight that allows you to get yourself out there without cost to you, to help others who can not afford a music education or private lessons, and an easy way to teach someone without having to leave your home.

Granted, my research for this project is not overly extensive, but I am modifying my concept as more research is being done. With a more thought out concept, this sight will stand out from the rest.

Over the summer

I took a 3 week PHP class to learn the necessary coding skills to make my project a reality. I got some coding started on my project, but there is no functionality yet. Here is my website.

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